Monday, 11 May 2009

Healthy snacks

I'm always on the look out for healthy snacks for me and the family.

The best option I've found so far, especially for taking to work, is dried fruit, nuts and seeds.

Fresh fruit would be preferable but it's not very portable, especially if you travel to work by public transport. You get to work and the inside of your bag is covered in fruit pulp...

Dried fruit gets around this and seeds and nuts are a great substitute for crisps.

1 comment:

  1. I so agree! I travel with almonds, dried prunes and some semi hard little peaches whenever I head out the door. Those 3 alone stave off any hunger pangs, especially the almonds. Sometimes, when i do feel the urge to impulse snack, throwing a few almonds in the bod shuts that urge right down!
    Good suggestions! ;)
